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Career & Vocational Training

At DNHS we encourage all students to continue their education after high school:  vocational training, community college, or 4-year college. In today's marketplace, it pays to have a special skill in terms of income and continued employment.  See the benefits of higher education here!.

Students are eligible for employment beginning at age 14 and must have a work permit as long as they are in high school and under 18 years old.  More information is below.

ASVAB - Armed Services Voational Aptitude Test Battery

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitue Test Battery (ASVAB) is offered twice a year, every year at DNHS. The next available test is Thursday, April 22 2021, contact Danyelle Ramsey ( to sign up.  Students must be academically eligible to sign up for testing, with priority given to juniors and seniors. To gain entrance into the military service, you must obtain a minimum qualifying score on the ASVAB—your AFQT (Armed Forces Qualification Test) score. Your AFQT score predicts your potential for training in military occupations. Students may also use their ASVAB results online in a career exploration program. The dates for ASVAB testing at DNHS are listed on the annual Test Schedule.


Students can find information about a specific major,  search for majors that interest them or explore all of the majors at the CSU and UC campuses. From the list of majors, students can click the link directly to that college major webpage. ASSIST is also an online student-transfer information system that shows how course credits earned at one public California college or university can be applied when transferred to another (i.e., general education transfer plans for each community college to CSUs/UCs). ASSIST provides the most accurate and up-to-date information about student transfer in California. Visit ASSIST by clicking here.